Some of My Favorite Books

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Celebrate National Grammar Day and March Forth

In case you haven't heard, today, March 4th, is National Grammar Day and to celebrate, Grammar Girl has written (and performed) a song, March Forth:  The Grammar Song.

Take a few minutes today to diagram a sentence or if that's not your thing, skim a funny book about grammar gone wrong. I suggest one like Cake Wrecks by Jen Yates. This fun "picture" book has tons of photos of cakes that were disasters in one way or another, like...

I guess Hannah is the favored child in this bunch; I mean large font... good grief.

And the labor pains aren't the only problem contractions in this hot mess.

And lastly, this person really didn't want a fuss. "Really, I don't want any thing on my cake. Nothing."



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