Some of My Favorite Books

Friday, July 12, 2013

The Keep by Jennifer Egan -- What a Strange (but Good) Novel

Okay, have you read The Keep by Jennifer Egan? If so, please explain it to me. 

I really enjoyed reading this book with two stories:  one of two cousins who experience a tragic event in childhood who then meet up again as adults. This sets the stage for the relationship of Danny and Howard but does little to explain the adult-version of the story. Danny, as a child, left Howard in a cave for several days, which traumatized Howard, but then as adults Howard has become stinking rich and summons Danny to Eastern Europe to help set up a resort in an old castle called The Keep. 

The second story involves Ray, who is in prison and writes in the prison writing class about Howard and Danny. 


So, being the literal person I am, I was quickly confused. But I kept reading hoping one of these would happen:

  • The story would unfold all nice and neat.
  • I'd figure out what the heck was going on after I'd finished reading it.

Well, not so much. Loose ends were not tied and I was more confused than ever when I closed the book at 2 a.m. last night (this morning).

If you're read The Keep and help me understand this book, I'd love to hear what you think about it. Seriously. Help!

Book Read:  The Keep
Author:  Jennifer Egan

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